Mexico CLABE Bancaria Estandarizada (CLABE) Numbers Validation API

API Validates Mexico CLABE Numbers by the method prescribed for verifying the Mexico CLABE Numbers. This API helps in ensuring accuracy of Mexico CLABE Numbers.
Note:API does not check whether the Mexico CLABE Numbers exists and Mexico CLABE Numbers are ACTIVE .

API End Point :
Method: POST / GET

Mexico Clabe Validation API Parameters

Parameters Data TypeWhether MandatoryDescription
apikeyStringYES Sign in and get API Key from Member Area
clabeNumberYES Mexico Clabe Number ( Bank Account Number of Mexico
i.e. 032180000118359719

Mexico Clabe Validation API Sample Responses

Response is returned as JSON String

Successful Response

Error Response : Wrong Length

Error Response : Wrong CLABE

Mexico Clabe Validation API Integration

JAVA-JQuery for Mexico Clabe Validation API

Curl Code for Mexico Clabe Validation API

HTTP Code for Mexico Clabe Validation API

PHP Code for Mexico Clabe Validation API

Node.js Unirest code for Mexico Clabe Validation API

Python code for Mexico Clabe Validation API

C# - HttpClient code for Mexico Clabe Validation API